Body therapy yoga
Body therapy yoga is a gentle and compassionate practice with a holistic approach to the connection between body and mind. There’s an intention to learn from your own body, to discover and recognize the signals that you receive.
With inspiration from Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin yoga we give ourselves loving attention and listen to the language of the body. It has no significant meaning if you are skilled or new to yoga if you have body flexibility or not. The focus is on healing the body, exactly where you are presented with body tension. It’s all about finding the golden point, where you can breathe into the posture.
In body therapeutic yoga you are encouraged to go into the tension of your body and be conscious of what you might find. Different emotional states are often connected to tension, so allow yourself to open your body wisdom and listen!
Yoga is not about how flexible your body is, it’s about what you experience and learn in your practice.

A yoga session usually lasts for one and a half hour. We will go through soft and gentle yoga poses and more dynamic and intense poses to build strength. I will also include breathing exercises inspired by Pranayama and Breathwork. We always end the session with Savasana.
Yoga classes
Monday class.
This Monday’s yoga class offers gentle yoga poses and pace. If you need to be careful, slow and give your body some soft attention, this is the class for you. We begin with a short guided meditation to tune into the body. Then move on to yoga poses, incorporate breathing exercises, and end the session with Savasana
The class will be held in Danish – see more here
Wednesdays class.
In this yoga class, we do poses for both strength and stretching. We’ll go straight into the yoga with a rhythm that builds up and eventually slows the body heat down again. Then I’ll guide a breathing exercise to fill up the body with oxygen and we’ll end the session with Savasana.
The class will be held in Danish – see more here
upcoming events
Åndedræt & Sauna
Dato: torsdag d. 9. november – Tid: Kl. 18.30 til 20.30
Åndedræt og Sauna.
Efteråret er årstiden, hvor vi giver slip. Ligesom….
Blid yoga, vejrtræknings øvelser og sauna
Dato: lørdag d. 23. September – fra kl. 9 til 11.30. Så er der igen mulighed for lidt selvforkælelse i haven