about me

My name is Karina, I am a trained Body Therapy yoga instructor and breathwork facilitator, besides that, I love to paint.

I trust in the wisdom of the body. I trust In the magic of the present moment. and see it as a portal to a cosmic consciousness,
Connecting every moment to the now challenges us to slow down and listen to the rhythm of life. Listen to the rhythm of the body and feel the energy flow in the body.
Yoga, breathing techniques, and meditation are ways of entering that wisdom. The place where you silence your mind and begin listening to your emotions and sensations.
The intriguing question “Who am I, what is my true nature?” has lingered with me since early adulthood. My life experience shows me that this question can not be answered with the intellect.
It requires a form of bodily understanding, listening, and sensitivity. Skills that everyday life in modern society does not encourage.

I believe that the loss or diminishing of these skills have a huge impact on the connection to your true self, your essence and the way we live our life.

When we stop listening and don’t really want to feel, something goes into hiding and our self-love, self-compassion, and life energy can not flow freely.

My aim is to help you study yourself, to explore the depth of your own being. I offer different modalities to support the journey of this exploration. Working with both body and mind through yoga, breathwork, meditation, and various of ceremonies.

Through my offerings, I create a loving space for you to journey inwards. Let your awareness sink into your body, into your core, into your essence. It’s a journey of deepening your connection to yourself and to life. Yoga, breathwork, and meditation are ways to bring you out of your everyday mind and into the present moment. I encourage you to listen and find the teacher within. You are your own greatest teacher.

I wish you to be empowered, excited and inspired by our own colorful being.

My offterings




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